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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» - scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport


The journal’s mission is to publish high-level original research results made in the field of physical culture and sport. We position ourselves as an international journal, which means that the proportion of articles from one country in the issue may not exceed 40 %. 

The journal’s objective is to familiarize the scientific community with research results and their interpretation relating to topical issues of physical culture and sports.

The combination of theoretical and practical data, the attention to many issues that are in the intersection with physical culture and sports became the distinguishing features of our journal. The journal considers educational, scientific, legal and informational aspects of the theory and practice of physical culture and sports.

The Editorial Board invites researchers to publish articles about their achievements.

This is an open access journal. The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions. When using the materials in non-commercial purposes the link to the organization is required. The commercial use is prohibited. 


This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA


Лицензия Creative Commons


Partner of the journal is INSHS (International Network of Sport and Health Science, Nancy, France.


Founder and Editor: Cherkas Global University Press

Postal Address: 1717 N Street NW, Suite 1, Washington, District of Columbia, USA 20036


Contact information:
E-mail address: 

Executive Editor – Sergey N. Nikitin


The article should be sent to the editor with a note in which journal you plan to publish it. List of journals is presented here.






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