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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» (Европейский журнал физической культуры и спорта) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

1 March 31, 2016

Articles and Statements

1. Vladimir E. Afonshin, Valery V. Rozhentsov
The Technology to Train Techniques in Sports

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(11), Is. 1, pp. 4-9.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.11.4CrossRef

The training session of technical techniques is proposed to conduct on the playing ground where computer-controlled light emitters create allowed and unallowed light dynamic zones. Each athlete is to be placed in one of the allowed zones and to execute with an implement some techniques directed with his breast on the light guide mark created outside the allowed zone. The athlete holding an implement is not allowed to go out of the permitted area. In the course of the training session unpredictably for an athlete the position, the shape and the area of the permitted and unallowed zones is changed. The athlete’s going into the unallowed zone or performing techniques in the position not-oriented on the guide mark is considered to be an error. If the errors are none, the allowed zone area is reduced and the intensity of the session is increased until the athlete commits an error. By the minimum square of the allowed zone, the maximum speed of its movement that the athlete performing the exercise does not commit any errors, they evaluate the athlete’s technical skill. The proposed technology facilitates in faster mastering the play technique, unlocking the individual technical features and enhancing them at any stage of the professional career. The technology can be used for the technical training of athletes of different professional profiles specializing in football, hockey, handball, basketball and other sports that require implement handling.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1460057043.pdf
Number of views: 2365      Download in PDF

2. Aiman E. Konkabaeva, Maral Rasol
The Functional State of the Cardiovascular System of Students with Different Levels of Physical Fitness

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(11), Is. 1, pp. 10-16.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.11.10CrossRef

In this article the current functional state of the cardiovascular system of the body of students that regularly go in for sport and those that are not involved in sports is studied. The cardiovascular system was eestimated by recording the heart rate variability, and bydefining a work capacity of a man by Rufe method. A complex estimation of heart rate variability by index of activity of the regulatory systems of the body was carried out. It was found that students involved in sports had a moderate and expressed stress on regulatory systems observed in 55 % of cases that composed more than half of the surveyed students. It may be due to inadequate physical load placed on the current functional state of the body.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1460057143.pdf
Number of views: 2265      Download in PDF

3. Maria Mitsiou, Paraskevi Giagazoglou, Maria Sidiropoulou, Georgios Kotsikas, Vasileios Tsimaras, Eleni Fotiadou
Static Balance Ability in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(11), Is. 1, pp. 17-23.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.11.17CrossRef

The aim of the current study was the examination of disorders in motor coordination of 8/9-year-old school aged children and the detection of possible differences in balance performance between those children assessed with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and matched peers. It was found that 20 children out of the total number of 200 participating in this study, exhibited definite motor difficulties indicating a DCD disorder.The 20 students diagnosed with DCD were matched one by one with typically developing children participated in a detailed study of balance control. The main finding of the present study was the ability to control balance in both Anterior Posterior (A/P) and Medio Lateral (M/L) directions was inferior in students with DCD than in typically developing children. The findings reinforce the need for the evaluation of balance performance in school-aged children, in order specific individual motor profiles to be established for optimizing and adapting appropriate intervention programs.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1460057229.pdf
Number of views: 2411      Download in PDF

4. Zabchi Noreddine, Mokrani Djamel, Benzidane Houcine, Sebbane Mohammed
The Effect of the Contrastive Training Using Weights and Plyometrics on the Development of the Vertical Jump Ability to Improve the Performance of the Smash for Volleyball Players

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(11), Is. 1, pp. 24-30.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.11.24CrossRef

Considering training as a purposeful educational process that implies scientific planning for the sake of preparing the players, with their different physical, psychological and skill levels, to achieve the highest possible levels, it acquired a special character and was implemented into different important domains to achieve athletic goals at various levels for the development of motor performance. Many methods are used commonly by most of the trainers, and this led us, as researchers, to suggest a training programme that is based on the use of a contrastive training method using weights and plyometrics to achieve the highest degrees of efficiency, through using strength in different and opposite ways within the training unit or within a set of exercises, while trying to contribute to the clarification of this way for all types, in general, and applying it with the volleyball students as a sample representing the research community. The research process is meant to be conducted through pre and post tests on two groups; one as the control group and the other pilot. The first sample group underwent a programme established under the supervion of the professor of the subject, while the second underwent the suggested programme. Ultimately we found out through the statistical analysis of the results the existence of significant statistical differences between the pre and post tests in favour of the pilot group on the account of the control one. Researchers attribute these results to the impact of the suggested contrastive training using weights and plyometrics, which leads to the improvement of the ability to jump through bridging the gap between strength training and speed, using the so-called reactive prolongation which facilitates and adapts the additional kinetic units in the muscles during the performance, and gains muscle elasticity, and thus the development of vertical jumping ability, which contributes to the improvement of the smash skill in Volleyball.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1460057336.pdf
Number of views: 2597      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1460057368.pdf
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