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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» (Европейский журнал физической культуры и спорта) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

1 December 07, 2021


1. Harbach Brahim, Guezgouz Mohamed, Bendehiba Djourdem
The Correlation between the Emotional-Social Interaction of a Professor of Physical Education and Sports and his Students in the Physical Education and Sports Lesson

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 9(1): 3-12.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2021.1.3CrossRef

The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between the emotional-social interaction of a professor of physical education and sports and the activity of his students during the physical education and sports lesson, where the researchers used the descriptive approach, and the sample comprised (N = 14) teachers, and (398) students (aged 12 ± 14 years) from 14 Middle school of Mostaganem state, the researchers used The questionnaire form and the Weethol scale to measure the social-emotional interaction; they used the SPSS program in the statistical analysis of the data got we considered the results of statistical tests significant with p < 0.05; the results showed the existence of a positive and strong correlation between the first three behavioral groups of the tool, and the extent of student activity and the researchers recommend using indirect methods by professors in teaching, whether verbal or kinesthetic. The results of the sample showed that the arithmetic mean was (02.30 ± 88.30), and the standard deviation ranges within limits of (01.10 ± 20.40), the calculated value of (R) was (-0.97 ± 0.94), It is greater than the table (R = 0.55, df = 13, p < 0.05) and it is at the level of significance. We conclude that there is a significant correlation between the first three behavioral categories of Weethol's tool and the extent of students' activation and that there is an inverse relationship between the last three categories of behavior and the extent of students' activation.

URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638906990.pdf
Number of views: 159      Download in PDF

2. Wiliam Richard Guessogo, André Hamadou, Josué Bissou-Mahop, William Mban-Bian, Evariste Edmondo Djomo-Ngnoko, Ruth Gaël Magne-Talla, Abdou Temfemo
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Related to Doping among Cameroonian University-Level Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 9(1): 13-24.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2021.1.13CrossRef

The need to maintain or improve physical performance often prompts athletes to resort to doping. The objective of this work is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices in doping of Cameroonian university-level athletes. One hundred and thirty-eight university-level athletes (100 male and 38 female) answered a self-administered questionnaire, providing information on their knowledge, attitudes and practices towards doping. The results show that 96.4 % of athletes have knowledge about doping, 88.4 % know about doping substances, 96.3 % have a positive attitude towards doping and 90.6 % have never used doping products. In addition, it had already been proposed to use doping products at only 33.3 % and these proposals came from teammates (27.1%), friends (24.6 %) and the coach (12.9 %). Regression analysis reveals that the risk of doping is 27 times (OR = 27.10; p = .00027) higher among respondents over the age of 30. This risk is 5 times (OR = 5.10; p = .0486) higher in athletes who have had proposals for doping substances, and 25 times (OR = 25.15; p = .0170) higher among respondents who indicated their intention to dope. Cameroonian university-level athletes have high knowledge about doping, however, a positive attitude towards doping and the practice of doping remains low. There is a need to improve doping education in order to increase knowledge on doping issue, and to establish appropriate doping control structures and policies.

URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638907086.pdf
Number of views: 153      Download in PDF

3. Victor Koryahin, Oksana Blavt, Tatyana Gurtova
Basketball Reserve Preparation: Problems and Prospects

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 9(1): 25-31.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2021.1.25CrossRef

The article considers the main aspects of the formation of sportsmanship of young basketball players. It is established that the program of long-term training of basketball players is focused on the demonstration of physical and technical training of basketball players, which is considered as a leading strategic direction of training young highly qualified athletes in modern conditions. The paper presents the results of research on the level of physical and technical fitness of young basketball players. According to the results of empirical research it is established that insufficient development of all physical qualities increases the duration of formation of special skills during mastering the technique of basketball and reduces the efficiency of their use in competitive wrestling. It was found that the training of young basketball players should be aimed at realizing the maximum opportunities for each athlete in the optimal period for the demonstration of sports results. The presented results can be used as a scientific basis for a purposeful choice of means and methods of training to improve the structure of comprehensive training of young basketball players.

URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638907153.pdf
Number of views: 117      Download in PDF

4. Konstantinos G. Papageorgiou
The Bridge between Abstract Biomechanics and Tennis Strokes

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 9(1): 32-41.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2021.1.32CrossRef

Abstract biomechanics, by definition, are biomechanics in theory, without any application (therefore a geometrical representation of movement). When referring to (abstract) biomechanics and to (applied) technique (“technical form”) their relationship is blurred, not to mention there is no method to effectively make the transition from the former to the latter. In this paper, these terms are explicated and the connection between them is restored through a bridge, called the operating principle or mechanism of the technique. The exemplary field of application is the sport of tennis. In tennis, the operating principle is not of course all that is needed to develop technical form (the application of the theoretical model on one’s body). It is the first step from at least three more, the other ones being the “reference points” and the shot teaching mechanism (the latter being substantially different from the mechanism of the technical form presented here). However, the idea of the operating principle (of the technical form) has never been presented before for any sport. The implications of these insights are important both methodologically and for the development of a teaching method for tennis technical form. Finally, this paper itself bridges two gaps: theory to practice and epistemology to science.

URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638907193.pdf
Number of views: 152      Download in PDF

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URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1638907203.pdf
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