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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» - scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

4 December 15, 2016

Articles and Statements

1. Rozi Georgia, Thanopoulos Vassilios, Dopsaj Milivoj
Dynamic Apnea in Pubertal Male and Female Swimmers

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 116-122.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.14.116CrossRef

Blood lactate is an index of maximum anaerobic capacity (Troup et al., 1992). Furthermore, is a biomechanical parameter that presents the most impressive accumulation changes in muscles and blood during exercise, in a way that by measuring it we can obtain important information about maximum swimming efforts (Mougios, 2002). Lactate accumulation in blood has been observed in several swimming tests. One of those is swimming with apnea that aims at the increase of the athlete’s endurance allowing him to swim some meters underwater. However, one of the adaptations of apnea is for sure the improvement of keeping ones breath (Van-Ness, Town, 1989). Apnea remains a popular type of training for elite swimmers maybe because it also provokes other training effects that are not yet recognized (Maglischo, 2003). The aim of this study is to examine lactate accumulation in blood and heart rate in the test of 4x50m with two different tests: a) freestyle swimming and b) freestyle swimming with dynamic apnea, between male and female swimmers. 12 male and female sprint swimmers of freestyle participated in this research. Firstly, they swam 4x50m freestyle swimming with maximum intensity. Secondly, they swam the same distance with 14-15m underwater movement and for the rest 35m they swam freestyle with maximum intensity. After each effort, blood lactate, heart rate and performance time were recorded. For the analysis of the results, multivariate analysis of variance was applied (MANOVA). No statistical significant differences for the measured variables between the test of apnea and the test without apnea for the measured variables. Differences were only observed on performance time between male and female.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486063495.pdf
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2. Mária Gregáňová
The Comparison of Agressiveness in Sports Hockey Classes Depending on Age

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 123-130.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.14.123CrossRef

The research objective was to find out and compare overall aggressiveness and its individual subcategories between observed student age categories in sports hockey classes. The sample consisted of 120 lower secondary school students from Lučenec and Banská Bystrica in the age from 11 to 14. The standardized psychological questionnaire BDHI focused on the diagnose of aggressiveness was used for gaining the factual material. As emerged from the results, weighted average score of overall aggressiveness has substantially increased in case of older students. Younger students reached weighted average score 30.76 while older ones reached 39.46. Statistical significance of variance with value p = 0.036 was validated by nonparametric Mann Whitney U test. Weighted average score also substantially differs in case of physical aggression. Older students reached weighted average score 5.45 where younger students reached weighted average score 3.70. Nonparametric MannWhitney U test validated statistical significance variance between younger and older students where p = 0.022.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486111944.pdf
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3. Martin Horička
Psychological Preparation of the Sportsman in Snowboarding

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 131-135.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.14.131CrossRef

Our research is focused on the influence of the snowboarder psychological preparation and on the level of changes in personal features and character with the aim of increasing her sport performance during the trials. With the questionnaire SPIDO and the test TCI-R we will find out the personal features and personal descriptions, especially the level of her extroversion or introversion, emotional stability or instability (neurocentrism). With aimed psychological preparation realized during her preparation time we will try to influence her personal features (shortterm psychological statuses) to create a better sport performance on the trials. Our partial task shows a minimal difference between the TCI-R test results and questionnaire SPIDO that happened between the entrance measurement (realized at 10.2.2015) and final measurement (realized at 27.5.2016). During the control period there was not a big difference between the results. The reason is that the pedagogical experiment was applied during very short time.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486111962.pdf
Number of views: 1943      Download in PDF

4. Cristian Ştefan Liuşnea
The Comments on Understanding the Concept of Fitness and his Importance at Present

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 136-148.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.14.136CrossRef

Understand the concept of fitness can help solving everyday problems, marked both by physical stress as well as the psychic and contribute to the prevention of chronic disease such as stress, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, digestive, and so on. a. All this could be avoided by practicing regular physical activity attractive forms through nutrition and recovery as rational. The concept of the fitness, refers to those aspects of physiological and psychological functions that protect against some types of degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity and certain musculoskeletal disorders. To understand this concept, experts have measurable divided into three parts: endurance, strength and flexibility. Basically, specific fitness exercises offer the possibility of acquiring and retaining an optimum physical condition, a state well, which can only have positive consequences for everyone.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486112001.pdf
Number of views: 2074      Download in PDF

5. J.P. Verma, Prasenjeet Biswas, Anshuman Mishra, Narendra Gangwar
Effect of Exercise Machines on Sweat Loss during Exercise

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, Vol.(14), Is. 4, pp. 149-153.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2016.14.149CrossRef

This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of different cardio machine exercise on the sweat loss. Twelve subjects (6 male and 6 female) in the age range 20 to 35 years were taken as subjects in the study. Subjects were asked to exercise for 30 minutes on each machine while maintaining the exercise intensity in between 65 % to 75 % of maximum heart rate. On each machine before and after exercise, weight of the subjects was measured in kg. During exercise the temperature and humidity of the room were maintained at 260 C and 54.3 % respectively. The data so obtained in the study was analyzed using the randomized block design where gender was the between factor and machine was the within factor. The analysis showed that the effect of exercise machine on sweat loss was significant whereas the effect of gender and interaction (gender × machine) was not significant. Significant sweat loss occurred on treadmill in comparison to bicycle ergometer and stepper. No difference was observed in the amount of sweat loss on bicycle ergometer and stepper. On the basis of the study it is concluded that the reduction of weight due to the sweat loss should not be seen as a reflection of amount of fat reduced from the body during exercise. The study suggested that the cycling and stepper should be preferred over treadmill running as the weight loss due to sweat production was significantly lower than the treadmill.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486112017.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1486112066.pdf
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