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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» - scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 June 22, 2017

1. Karl Cabena, Patricia Fitzpatrick
Team and Solo Sport: BMI, Fitness and Health Indicators in Irish Adolescents

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017, 5(1): 3-8.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2017.1.3CrossRef

Sports participation is indicative of body mass index (BMI), fitness and general health and wellbeing. Little is known, however, about the presence of these indicators across certain sporting groups. The aim of this research is to explore if health indicators differ across Irish adolescents, specifically those who engage in team sports versus those who carry out activities alone, those who practice both team and solo sports, or none at all. Data were from the Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity survey of pupils aged 15-18 years. Pupils were asked if they had taken part in a list of sports inside or outside school over the last 7 days. Pupils (n=4122) aged 15.23 ± 1.55 years were stratified into team only (Team-only) (n=303), solo only (Solo-only) (n=751), both team and solo (Both) (n=2882) and Non-participating (n=186) sporting groups. A univariate general linear model was used to determine differences across and between groups. Males were more likely to play team only sports (66.3 %) and females more likely to play solo only sports (77.5 %). Controlling for age, gender, nationality and social class, there was no significant difference between BMI (F=0.28, p=.84), waist circumference (F=1.30, p=.28), systolic blood pressure (F=1.26, p=.28) or diastolic blood pressure (F=1.26, p=.66) across the sporting groups. Fitness was significantly higher in the team and both groups compared to the Solo and Non-participating groups (F=23.12, p<.001). Fitness levels in Team and Both Type sports participants were higher compared to those in Solo and Non-participating groups.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1498125277.pdf
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2. Zerf Mohammed
Heaviness of Intra-Abdominal Fat on Posture/Balance Control among Soccer Players Under 21

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017, 5(1): 19-25.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2017.1.19CrossRef

Lumbar pain (LBP) is one of the most common musculoskeletal symptoms among health care employees (Choobineh et al., 2016). Physical sports studies have also shown to be a risk factor along with abnormal posture, bending, twisting, gardening, and lack of exercise. Since this theory, the current study was designed to examine the significance of mechanical effects of intra-abdominal on posture/balance control among soccer players under 21 yrs. Although, our background confirms that balance deficit tends to differ somewhat in the classic body types. For the proposed, a total of 163 male soccer players under 21 years from the Algerian football championship participated in the present study. Their average age 19,56±1.22 years, distributed into homogeneous groups, according to them, body fat percent categories. Tested by saving tests (Body Fat Percentage(BFP)-abdominal circumference(WC) – Abdominal test (Abdo) – Modified Bass Test of Dynamic Balance(DB) and standing balance(SB)). Based on the analysis statistics, we confirm: a) The increase Intra-Abdominal Fat represents big risk posture/balance control. b) Abdominal fat contributes to an abnormal function, which leads to reduced physical performance capabilities early and to pathology later. Based on the differences acquired by the research team, we emphasise that abnormal reflexes cause a constant structural misalignment, which allows a disproportionate amount of weight and muscle traction to fall on certain parts. However, sports participation cannot guarantee physiological body mass and body composition. Understood that we guide us to recommend, the evaluation of body composition as a part of body management and control. View the body gain, leads to abnormalities posture, muscle coordination, control of movement, balance, and awareness of body position.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1498125603.pdf
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3. Samaneh Nazari, Rahim Ramzaninezhad, Mina Mallaei
The Investigation of Personal and Social Responsibility Levels in Athlete and Non-Athlete Male and Female Adolescents

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017, 5(1): 26-34.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2017.1.26CrossRef

The purpose of this research was to compare personal and social responsibility levels of athlete and non-athlete students from parents, physical education teachers and other lessons teachers’ viewpoints. The sample of this study were 357 students, from all male and female students of middle schools in Rasht city (n=6882) who participated in this research whose responsibility were studied basis of opinions of 357 their parents, 44 physical education teachers and 69 other lessons teachers’ viewpoints in home, physical education class and other classes respectively . Research instrument was PSRQ Questionnaire by Li et al (2008). The questionnaires were given to sport management and physical education professors and also psychology professors for evaluating content validity. The reliability of students’ responsibility questionnaires were confirmed in home (α=0.72), physical education class (α=0.86) and other classes (α=0.90). Data analysis by using U-Mann Whitney test in the significant level of P≤0.05 indicated that from parents, physical education teachers and other lessons teachers’ viewpoints, athlete students had higher personal and social responsibility in home, physical education class and other classes (P≤0.05). According to the opinions of parents and physical education, there weren`t significant differences between female and male students in their responsibility. But, this difference was significant from other lessons teachers’ viewpoints (P≤ 0.05).

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1498125877.pdf
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4. Barbora Novotná, Pavol Bartík, Julián Krull, Elena Bendíková
Leisure Time Physical Activity of Fourth Grade Pupils as One of the Determinations of Health

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017, 5(1): 35-42.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2017.1.35CrossRef

Physical activity is considered to be the most important determinant of a healthy lifestyle. This article examines the results of an experiment that evaluated the effect of a leisure-time physical activity´s curriculum on the level of motor skills of pupils of lower school age in a selected school. The experiment results showed that the curriculum of physical activity did not affect the general motor skills of pupils of the experimental group. The authors recommend paying attention to the development of all motor abilities equally by creating more attractive content for leisure time physical activities that are organized by the school.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1498125956.pdf
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5. Anton Petija
Diagnostics the Response of Freestyle and Greco-Roman Wrestlers´ Organisms to Competition and Training Load

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017, 5(1): 43-49.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2017.1.43CrossRef

The aim of a contribution is to diagnose, analyse and compare level of density´s intensity in training load and competition load of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling style with using measurements of blood lactate by Biosen C Line Sport. Research complex consisted of six freestyle wrestlers from closer Slovak representation, who participated in the first round of Slovak senior league in Banska Bystrica in 2015 and four Greco-Roman wrestlers from Army sport club Dukla Banska Bystrica. We were identifying level of lactate from capillary blood in the 1st, 4th and 8th minute of resting after competition load of freestyle wrestlers and after training load of Greco-Roman wrestlers. The match lasted 2x3 minutes with 30 seconds break. Arithmetic average of the measured blood lactate of Greco-Roman wrestlers after training load was in the 1st minute of resting - 12, 33 mmol/l, in the 4th minute of resting - 13, 57 mmol/l and in the 8th minute of resting - 8, 65 mmol/l. After the competition load of freestyle wrestlers, the arithmetic average of the blood lactate in the 1st minute of resting was 13, 20 mmol/l, in the 4th minute of resting – 11, 94 mmol/l and in the 8th minute of resting – 13, 65 mmol/l. In comparison to analysed wrestlers, freestyle wrestlers had in the 1st minute of recovery higher values of blood lactate than Greco-Roman wrestlers: of 0,87 mmol/l. In the 4th minute of recovery the Greco-Roman wrestlers had higher values of 1, 63 mmol/l and in the 8th minute of recovery, freestyle wrestlers had higher values of 5, 00 mmol/l.

URL: https://ejpes.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1502372103.pdf
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