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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» - scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 March 15, 2018

Articles and Statements

1. Eirini Argiriadou, Fotios Mavrovouniotis, Chrysi Mavrovounioti, Pantelis Konstantinakos, Argirios Mavrovouniotis, Constantinos Mountakis
The Acute Effects of Greek Dances on Old People’s Self-Esteem

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 6(1): 3-13.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2018.1.3CrossRef

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of a single bout of Greek dances on the self-esteem of old people. A hundred and twelve subjects, (89 women and 23 men), 65-88 years old, were separated to an experimental group (n=55) which participated in Greek traditional dances and a control group (n=57) which was discussing and watching television, both for one hour. The State Self-Esteem Scale (Heatherton, Polivy, 1991) was used to measure performance self-esteem, social self-esteem and appearance self-esteem. The scale was completed about 5 min before and after the Greek traditional dances’ performance and the discussing and watching television session. For data analysis, descriptive analysis, the non-parametric test Wilcoxon of the SPSS ver. 17.0 for windows was used. After dancing, significant increases in performance self-esteem (z=-5.92, p<0.001), social self-esteem (z=-3.16, p<0.01), as well as appearance self-esteem (z=-3.90, p<0.001) were observed. Likewise, no significant difference in control group was observed. Consequently, from the present results it can be said that Greek dances, as a form of physical activity, is an effective factor for the improvement of elderly people’s self-esteem.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1518697735.pdf
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2. Aleksey Korolkov, Evgeniy Lysov, Oksana Frizen
Impact of the Essential Oil Inhalation on the Functional Condition Shift of the Minigolf Players

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 6(1): 14-19.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2018.1.14CrossRef

Results of the experimental researches are given. The object of the evaluations was the impact of an inhalation of three mixtures of essential oils (activating, relaxing and placebo) on the functional condition of young minigolf players. The impact of the inhalations and fatigue on the functional condition of the players was determined based on the results of arterial pressure and pulse rate measurements and calculated Kerdo index. In addition, the analysis of impact of each of the three odorants on the game results was done. It was figured out, that all odorants decrease the processes of excitation in the performance of autonomic nervous system. The greatest effect in the excitation decrease is achieved by inhaling activating odorant, effect of which is similar to effect of fatigue. In addition, various individual differences in the odorants effect on functional indexes were detected. Suggested, that the shift in functional condition may be determined by reflex reaction of an organism to deep breath in addition to biochemical impact of the odorants. The greatest impact on the decrease of the Kerdo index (comparing with inhalations) is caused by fatigue of the players, which is caused by multiple repeats of the same monotonous gameplay actions within several hours. Speaking of odorants impact on sports achievements, it was calculated, that generally the sports results improve after inhaling activating and placebo oil mixtures. Similarly to evaluation of shifts in functional condition, various individual reactions of players were detected in the form of sports results on stimulus of inhalation of different odorants.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1518697806.pdf
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3. Ratko Pavlović
The Differences of Kinematic Parameters Triple Jump Between Finalists WCH Berlin, 2009 – WCH Daegu, 2011

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 6(1): 20-30.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2018.1.20CrossRef

Kinematic parameters often crucially influence the performance in athletic disciplines. This is especially evident for top athletes who have almost identical morphological, motor and functional parameters. The differences that affect the sporting result are generally attributed to a better performance technique that is often the consequence of the different values of the individual's kinematic parameters. This study analyzes the differences between the defined kinematic parameters in the discipline triple jump. The sample included 16 male athletes who competed in the finals of the World Championships (Berlin, 2009; Daegu, 2011) and a total of 22 kinematic parameters were selected. The results were obtained by applying the T-test module for small independent samples, confirming the differences between women's finalists in Berlin and Daegu. Statistically significant differences were recorded only in five out of 22 kinematic parameters (23 %). Statistically significant differences were achieved in the rebound angle of hopping (Hopº, T = 3,689; p<0.003); vertical speed of hopping (VVo Hop m/s, T = 5,269; p < 0,000), contact phase duration of hop (T = -3,580; p < 0.003), step (T = -5,193; p < 0,000), jump (T = -1,966; p < 0,071), it is also evident that athletes in Berlin had, on average, shorter time of contact phase in all three parameters (hop, step, jump). An inverse relationship between the speed and the angle of rebounding of the competitors was noticed in both finals, which is a consequence of the speed reduction in each jump, where athletes use a greater swing with free extremities.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1518697850.pdf
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4. Dmitry V. Viktorov, Svetlana V. Korneyeva
Actualization of the Professionally Applied Physical Training of Students with Disabilities

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 6(1): 31-37.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2018.1.31CrossRef

The requirement of readiness for the professional activity of a modern specialist is the expressed application of means of physical culture, related to the character of the forthcoming work. Aspects of application became the theoretical foundation for achieving the necessary level of professional readiness of future specialists, development of professionally important qualities that contribute to a more successful vocational training and further it improvements. The best way to ensure the optimal development of physical qualities, the formation of applied motor skills that meet the requirements of a particular production, is the professionally applied physical training (PAPT). Practice shows that in educational institutions of higher education there are poorly developed concepts and methods for the use of PAPT tools and the choice of the classes program, the rational acquisition of training departments, the operative control under the optimal physical load, sufficient in volume and adequate for students with disabilities in health status. Students with deviations in health status of temporary or permanent nature require significant restrictions on physical activity taking into account the performance and functional features, many not fully ready to perform the standard training applied physical training. In this regard, there is a need to address the issue of the formulation of the specific practical recommendations for the construction of professionally-applied physical training for students with disabilities.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1518697905.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1518697931.pdf
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