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«European Journal of Physical Education and Sport» (Европейский журнал физической культуры и спорта) – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2409-1952

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) September 25, 2014

Articles and Statements

1. Alexander А. Fedyakin, Zhanna G. Kortava
Motor Recreation of the Adult Population in Sanatorium and Resort Conditions

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 164-171.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.164CrossRef

The article deals with the problem of adaptive motor recreation of the adult population. The technology of adaptive motor recreation in sanatorium and resort conditions has been offered. The key parameters that must be considered when choosing one or another mean of physical training for health-improvement and recreation activities and which might help to manage the training effect during the activity, are indicated. The main indicators are the following the dynamics and overall heart rate.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413396170.pdf
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2. Lidia K. Fedyakina
The Methodology of Using Training Apparatus During Physical Education Classes with University Students

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 172-178.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.172CrossRef

In this paper we made an attempt to substantiate scientific basis of the effective use of strength exercises during physical education classes with university students. Basic components of the methodology, influencing on the health improving effect of the training in the gym, (means, methods and methodological procedures) are examined. Strength exercises for major muscle groups are considered as the basic means. Exercises are done on training apparatus in quasi-izotonic mode during circular training. We used visual marks to determine the amplitude of each exercise, focusing on students' muscular sensations during the exercises, techniques related to the organization of training classes as methodological procedures. The effect of the sequence of the strength exercises for major muscle groups and influence of the rest between "stations" when performing strength training based on the method of "circular training" was found on the effect of training in the gym.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413396225.pdf
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3. Zhanna G. Kortava, Fatima G. Baskaeva,
Organizational Features of the Process of Health-improvement and Recreational Training for People with Different Levels Physical Qualification

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 179-184.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.179CrossRef

The paper discusses organizational questions of the process of recreational training for people with different levels physical qualification. Consistent actions that allow optimizing training load depending on the individual level of physical qualification were presented. The possibility of using extra weight and variation of the intensity of load were considered as the main methodological techniques used to optimize the amount of individual training load, depending on the level of physical qualification.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413396600.pdf
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4. Romualdas K. Malinauskas, Sarunas Klizas, Gintaras Bukauskas
Peculiarities of the Psychosocial Adjustment Among Students of Youth and Secondary Schools

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 185-191.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.185CrossRef

The paper strives to answer the question what is psychosocial adjustment among students of senior school age of youth and secondary schools. The following hypothesis was tested: psychosocial adjustment among students of youth and secondary schools differed. Students of senior school age (16—18 years old) were separated in randomize way from Kaunas youth and secondary schools. The participants of the study were 359 students of senior school age (183 students of secondary schools and 176 students of youth schools). The measure of psychosocial adjustment included the K. Roger‘s and R. Dymond‘s questionaire adapted by A. Osnicki. The statistical hypotheses were tested by applying the Student t-test. The research hypothesis was confirmed. The psychosocial adjustment (general index) level among students of senior school age of secondary schools was higher (p < 0.05) than among students of youth schools. It was also found that level of another-acceptance, emotional comfort and internality among students of secondary schools was higher (p<0.05) than among students of youth schools.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413396695.pdf
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5. Inna N. Ovsyannikova
The Using of Beach Handball Proceeds in the Classroom for Physical Education of the Students

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 192-200.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.192CrossRef

The study of students' attitudes toward beach handball with the motivation and needs of dealing with the sport has been carried out in the university. It has been established that the use in the course of physical studying the targeted pedagogical influences planned in the course "Beach Handball", leads to significant increase of physical fitness, physical condition and functional performance among students, which indicates the feasibility of beach handball means in the classroom for physical education among the students.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413396745.pdf
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6. Boris A. Polyaev, Sergei A. Parastaev, Sergei V. Kapyshev, Valerii V. Karmazin, Maria A. Pogodina
The Practice of Applying Chondroreparant "HYALREPAIR-02" Among Highly Skilled Athletes

European Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2014, Vol.(5), № 3, pp. 201-204.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpe.2014.5.201CrossRef

The frequency of knees traumatization among highly skilled athletes is depended on the specific movements in various sports and ranges from 20 to 50 %. The most critical situation has been in the martial arts – a combination of shock and throwing techniques, painful methods together with the intensity of exercise naturally leads to serious injuries and the development of degenerative changes directly in the joints and periarticular structures. The intra-articular injection of substances based on hyaluronic acid is concerned to be the most effective way in regenerative treatment of post-traumatic joint pathology. The clinical testing of the original methods of application of the new means "HYALREPAIR-02 Chondroreparant" is carried out on the basis of solid-phase-modified hyaluronic acid in combination with amino acids among high skilled athletes with post-traumatic gonarthrosis. The results of dynamic experience showed that the drug is well tolerated and doesn`t cause local and systemic adverse reactions and complications. The achieved positive effects (the relief of pain, the increase of mobility and improving of the support function on the affected side) are persistent.

URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413812850.pdf
Number of views: 2677      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal7.com/journals_n/1413812874.pdf
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